
fusionpbx-logoFusionPBX is an open source GUI for FreeSWITCH. It takes FreeSWITCH and converts it in to a single/multi tenant gateway or PBX system. FusionPBX can be used as a high-available single or domain based multi-tenant PBX, carrier grade switch, call center server, fax server, voip server, voicemail server, conference server, voice application server, appliance framework and more. FreeSWITCH is a highly scalable, multi-threaded, multi-platform communication platform. FusionPBX license is the MPL 1.1 license.

It can be run on most operating systems on the hardware of your choice. It provides unlimited extensions, voicemail-to-email, music on hold, call parking, call center, call queues, analog lines or high density T1/E1 circuits and many other features. It provides the functionality your business needs and brings corporate level phone system features to small, medium and large businesses.


The easiest way to install FusionPBX with FreeSWITCH on Debian or Ubuntu LTS is using the installation script provided by FusionPBX (see also FusionPBX Downloads and Getting Started).

2016-10-03, Update: For installation follow the instructions on „FusionPBX, Getting Started, New Install“ (the instruction below is rather outdated but might still work) and see also the installation video:

— the following description is outdated …

Install the required packages (libpq-dev and wget):
apt-get install libpq-dev wget

Download the script:
cd /usr/local/src
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fusionpbx/fusionpbx-scripts/master/install/ubuntu/install_fusionpbx.sh
chmod 755 install_fusionpbx.sh

The install script can be called with the following options:

install_fusionpbx option1 option2


    user: option waits in certain places for the user to check for
          errors it is interactive and prompts you about what to
    auto: tries an automatic install. Get a cup of coffee, this
          will take a while. FOR THE BRAVE!

    install_fusionpbx install-both user

A full installation from scratch can take quite a while (e.g. on an older Raspberry Pi B+ about 3-4 hours). Therefore it’s a very good idea to enable keepalives in your terminal client to avoid the terminal client closing because of a session timeout!

The following command will try to install FusionPBX with FreeSWITCH and SQLite for the database and the RAM saving nginx as web server:
./install_fusionpbx.sh install-both auto

The following command will try to install FusionPBX with FreeSWITCH and ask you for selection of any further options:
./install_fusionpbx.sh install-both user

If you would like to log the installation in /tmp/install_fusion.log, use this command:
./install_fusionpbx.sh install-both user | tee /tmp/install_fusion.log

Recommended options:

  • SQLite (as database)
  • Apache (as web server, but NGINX is okay too)

The default web server is NGINX as it is small, fast, and easy to configure. HTTPs is pre-configured with a self signed certificate. Apache will work however. If you choose this keep in mind that you will need to manually setup HTTPS for Apache.

See further hints on page „Easy FusionPBX„.

If the web server or your terminal client should time out during the installation or upgrade for any reason or just simply to ensure everything is installed correctly, use the following commands:
cd /var/www/fusionpbx
php /var/www/fusionpbx/core/upgrade/upgrade.php

Backup and Restore

If using SQLite, your FusionPBX backup will easily include the SQL database:
cd /var/www
cp -R fusionpbx fusionpbx_backup

Backup FreeSWITCH:
cd /usr/local/freeswitch
cp -R scripts scripts_backup
cp -R conf conf_backup

See „If things go wrong: SQLite Database Restore“ for restoring.


Make a backup before upgrading!

Always download the newest installation script before upgrading:
cd /usr/local/src
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fusionpbx/fusionpbx-scripts/master/install/ubuntu/install_fusionpbx.sh
chmod 755 install_fusionpbx.sh

Upgrade FreeSWITCH:
./install_fusionpbx.sh upgrade-freeswitch user

Upgrade FusionPBX
./install_fusionpbx.sh upgrade-fusionpbx user

Sometimes variable names change requiring a regeneration of some config files, i.e. they have to be rewritten with the new variable names. In the FusionPBX web admin GUI go to [System -> Settings] and then click „Save“. This will re-generate v_config_cli.php and any other config files.

Uninstall FusionPBX


FusionPBX Admin GUI

The virtual server for FusionPBX by default is installed on the standard HTTP port 80. To free this port for a standard website we first re-configure this to port 8888.

If you use Webmin:
Start Webmin in your browser, login, navigate to „Server > Apache Webserver“, and click on the „Virtual Server“ link of the FusionPBX entry. Change the port for 80 to 8888 and click the [Save ] button. To make this change effective click on the „Apply Changes“ link on the top left of the page.

Open the following URL in a web browser:

Login with the username fusionpbx and the passwort you have set during the installation.

Add User Extensions


Add a Gateway with Dialplans and Routes


Configure Firewall and Port Forwarding

Forward the following ports on your NAT router / firewall to the IP address of your FusionPBX/Freeswitch server:

Port Protocol Description
5060 – 5090 TCP & UDP VOIP SIP
16384 – 32768 UDP VOIP RTP

See also

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